Tour Update

Thank you to everyone who expressed interest in our 2012 European tour! Unfortunately we have had to put the tour on hold... for now!Columbia_Alumni_Singers_Lion_0413.jpg

It had been our sincere desire to offer this fun and exciting musical adventure to alumni who had sung at Columbia - as well as their families and friends - as a means of reinforcing connections among alumni and with the university. 

Unfortunately, not enough people were persuaded to sign up for the trip on the aggressive time schedule we had to use to enable arrangements for next summer. 

In the weeks to come we will work – over time and with your help – to build an esprit among this body of alumni that would allow for other activities.

We continue to believe that alumni who sang can play an important role for Columbia.  They can serve the university’s interest.  They can support student singing on campus.  They can use opportunities to sing together as alumni to renew their bonds with university and with each other.

As someone said back in the day, singing in groups is the most fun you can have with your clothes on.

We will be sending periodic e-mail messages with news of campus singing and Columbia Alumni Singers activities and events.  Please be sure your alumni directory information stays up to date so that we can continue to reach you.

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